
Monday 3 May 2010


I guess you can tell from looking around this blog that I love rice. I truly do! (The funny thing is that rice was one of my most hated foods when I was growing up). Here is a wonderfully tasty risotto recipe I adapted from the "Food Network" web site. It is creamy and comforting, and oh, so good. Just what you need after a hard day at work!


4 tablespoons olive oil 
1 large onion, minced
4 large garlic cloves, minced
1 medium tomato, peeled, seeded and very, very finely chopped
2 cups Arborio rice
1 cup white wine
7 cups vegetable stock (or chicken stock), heated, divided
3 tablespoons olive oil
about one pound of mushrooms, a combination of varieties
1 cup frozen sweet baby peas
4 tablespoons butter, chilled, and cut into small pieces
1/2 cup grated Pecorino Romano cheese
1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves
2 tablespoons Italian parsley, finely chopped
Salt and pepper to taste


Remove the mushroom stems from the mushrooms and reserve. 

Slice the mushrooms and reserve. 

Place two cups of the stock in a saucepan. Add the stems from the mushrooms and cook over medium heat until the mushroom stems have given off their liquid and the stock is filled with mushroom aroma. Reserve the stock but discard the mushroom stems. Add the thyme to the mushroom stock, and combine the mushroom stock along with the rest of the stock.

In a saucepan heat the four tablespoons of olive oil. Over medium-high heat, sauté the onion just to soften, stirring all the while, about four minutes. Add the garlic and rice and continue to stir with a wooden spoon, coating the rice with the oil, garlic and onion.

Deglaze with the cup of white wine and cook until the liquid is absorbed, stirring often. Pour in enough stock to cover, about 3 cups. Cook over medium heat, stirring often until the liquid is absorbed.

Meanwhile, in a medium skillet, heat the three tablespoons of olive oil. olive oil. Sauté the mushrooms over medium heat, just to soften, about 4-5 minutes. Remove from the heat, mix in the peas and the parsley, and reserve.

Pour another 3 cups of stock into the rice, turn the flame to medium-high, and stir in a pinch of salt and the tomatoes. Keep stirring until the rice is tender.

Add the mushrooms and peas, stir, then slowly add the rest of the stock as needed. It may not be necessary to add this last cup of stock, or you may need to add just a bit or all of it. The best way to tell is to taste and judge for yourself. The risotto should be creamy, not runny.

Remove from the flame, vigorously beat in the chilled butter and 1/2 cup of the Parmesan until completely dissolved.

Season with salt and pepper to taste, and serve immediately.